When should your child have their first eye examination? | Image Eye Care

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When should your child have their first eye examination?

As parents, we naturally want the best for our kids, right? So, while we're all about those regular check-ups with the paediatrician, we might only sometimes think about getting their eyes checked, too. But here's the scoop: those eye exams are super important for our little ones' health and happiness and can seriously impact how well they do in school.

Here's why these eye exams matter:

Why Early Eye Exams Matter:

1. Critical Developmental Stage: You know how kids grow like weeds? Well, their eyes are doing some serious growing, too, especially in those early years. And since vision is a big deal for learning, catching any issues early can make a difference in how they do in school.

2. Detecting Vision Issues: Some vision problems, like lazy or crossed eyes, can pop up during childhood. Getting ahead of these issues can stop them from worsening and fix them completely.

3. Preventing Academic Challenges: Imagine trying to read or write if everything looked blurry or doubled. Not fun, right? Undetected vision problems can seriously trip up a kid's learning and make school way harder than it needs to be.

4. Promoting Healthy Vision Habits: Regular eye exams help kids understand why their vision matters and teach them how to care for their eyes. Plus, it gets them used to wearing glasses if needed and reminds them to give their eyes a break from screens occasionally.

When to Schedule the First Eye Examination:

- Infancy (6-12 Months): Yup, you heard that right – babies need eye check-ups too! The experts recommend getting their peepers checked between 6 and 12 months old to ensure everything develops as it should.

- Preschool Years (3-5 Years): Before starting school, getting another check-up is a good idea. This one's all about making sure they can see clearly and that their eyes work together like a well-oiled machine.

- School-Age Children (6 and Older): Once in school, aim for an eye exam every year or two. It's all about staying on top of any changes and ensuring they can see the board without squinting.

Signs Your Child May Need an Eye Examination Sooner:

- Keep an eye out for signs like squinting, rubbing their eyes a lot, or complaining of headaches or eye strain.

- If they're having trouble focusing or struggle with hand-eye coordination, it might be time for a closer look at those peepers.


By staying on top of those eye exams from day one, we're giving our kiddos the best shot at a bright and clear future – both in and out of the classroom. So, let's schedule those appointments and keep our little ones seeing the world in all its glory!